Chapter 319

Medford Oregon

EAA Chapter 319 Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2017 (Rev. A ) Filed Flash G7

Board Meeting

Glen Finley called the 5:30 PM meeting to order at The Sun Oaks Homeowners Association, SOHA, Lower Clubhouse at 2465 Sun Oaks Drive in Medford, Oregon.


The last EAA Chapter 319 meeting was held on September 14, 2017 at the above mentioned location.

The draft of the minutes was reviewed, amended, accepted at the meeting and subsequently distributed.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Glen Finley submitted the Balance Sheet as of October 31, 2017.

He included the Profit and Loss statement for January through October, 2017. The report was accepted as presented.


Meeting Site Alternative and Table & Chair Issues

There has been no definite resolution regarding these issues which remain open.

A “Reference Only” Excerpt from September 14, 2017 Meeting minutes

Meeting Site Alternative and Table & Chair Resolution

The long standing and more recent relationship between EAA Chapter 319 and the Civil Air Patrol, CAP, has been uncertain. The Chapter Board decided that negotiation regarding EAA meeting site fee, CAP table/chair rental and other considerations was appropriate. Pursuant to this end, Chapter Board members, Glen Finley and Sherri Shusterwitz, met with Civil Air Patrol Representatives, Brian Monosmith, and Herman Dennington. It was implied that the EAA Chapter 319 would be allowed hold “scheduled” meetings and BBQ events in the CAP hangar without a fee (previously $50 per month.) Likely, the CAP assumes that the Chapter 319 chairs and tables would continue to be available for CAP use.

Because of the CAP hangar location and configuration, it serves as the MFR airport fence with a gate; accordingly, procedures regarding EAA personnel entry and movement must be consistent with airport security requirements.

While no specific rules regarding EAA personnel entry and movement have been drafted, one possibility is as follows.

1. Knowledge of the door lock combination will be limited to “designated” EAA Chapter members; further, designees must have a badge such as that issued to hangar tenants, allowing access to the airport through designated gates and limited movement on the airport.

2. Attendees without badges must stay within the bounds of the CAP property, the hangar and apron.

3. Attendees without badges must be escorted beyond the boundaries of the CAP property by, and are the responsibility of, any chapter member with an appropriate security badge.

The disposition of the EAA-owned folding chairs and tables has not been determined.

Fall BBQ/Potluck

The BBQ at the CAP Hangar, tentatively planned for October, was cancelled.


The Election of Officers – See GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING

General Membership Meeting

Election of Officers

Glen Finley had announced by e-mail, that nomination from the floor of, Officers for 2018, would be followed by elections at 7:00 PM. While a few new people arrived, attendance was still too small for such an involved process to be effectively implemented. Glen Finley declined to be nominated for president, as he would not be able to devote the personal time to the position; however, he did agree to continue as treasurer. Alan Ladani was nominated and elected as Chapter President. (FYI: Alan, an idea man! built two planes and flies! a mechanical engineer! and electrical engineer! Go Alan! ) In a “consensus atmosphere”, the remaining officers present agreed to continue in their present position through 2018. It was assumed that any absent officers will also accept the challenge. Stay tuned!

Refreshments were served as some member viewed National EAA-supplied VIDEOS and other members, including potential new members, socialized.

2017 year end Meeting/Event Schedule adjustments

As in previous years, because of family "Holiday Commitments", there will be no second-Thursday chapter meeting on December 14, 2017. (Cancelled on November 25, 2017)

The December, 2017 Saturday (9, 16 or 23 TBD) Holiday Potluck is deferred, because of family "Holiday Commitments”, to January 20, 2018 Saturday

(January 20, 2018 all day selected on November 25, 2017)

The SOHA Lower Clubhouse has been reserved. Event particulars will be announced.

The meeting was adjourned by Glen Finley at approximately 9:30 P.M.

2018 Meeting/Event Schedule (Rev. A)

The "Second Thursday 5:30 – 10:00 pm” meeting schedule will continue through 2018, except as noted/announced. Barring further notice to the contrary, monthly chapter meetings will continue to be held at The Sun Oaks Homeowners Association, SOHA, Lower Clubhouse at 2465 Sun Oaks Drive in Medford, Oregon. Reservations have been made as follows.

January 11 Second Thursday (Tentative) (Cancelled on November 25, 2017)

Note: January Saturday (13, 20 or 27 TBD) Possible Holiday Potluck at Sun Oaks Lower

Clubhouse. (January 20, 2018 all day selected on November 25, 2017)

February 8, 2018

March 8, 2018

April 12 , 2018

May 10, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)

Note: May, 2018 Saturday (12, 19 or 26 TBD) Possible Spring Potluck at Pankonin Beagle Sky Ranch.

June 14, 2018

July 12, 2018

August 9, 2018

September 13, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)

Note: September, 2018 Saturday (8, 15 or 22 TBD) Possible Fall Potluck Questionable site: Civil Air Patrol, CAP, Hangar

October 11, 2018

November 8, 2018

December 13, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)

Note: December, 2018 Saturday (8, 15 or 22 TBD) Holiday Potluck may be deferred, because of family "Holiday Commitments, to January, 2019 Saturday (12, 19 or 26 TBD) at Sun Oaks Lower Clubhouse.

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